Lightravels®, LLC only ships via FedEx service and will email the customer their tracking number upon shipment.
It is the customer's responsibility to provide the correct shipping address for their order. Lightravels®, LLC does get delivery confirmation from FedEx but does not require a signature. It is the customer's responsibility to contact Lightravels immediately if they would like to pay additional to require a signature upon delivery.
Lightravels®, LLC insures your shipment with FedEx and will work directly with FedEx should anything get damaged during transit. The customer must contact Lightravels within 48 hours of delivery should anything arrive damaged.
NOTE: In the event, your product was DAMAGED DURING SHIPPING, we will replace your item immediately (upon receipt of your returned, damaged map) at no additional charge to you. Call first please for RMA and shipping instructions! Please note that you are required to properly repackage the map (using all polyfoam corners, both shipping boxes, and if the shrink wrap was opened, then to add bubble wrap all along the front of the map) when returning it. Should the map come back to us with more damage than when you received it, and we determine the cause was due to improper re-packaging on your part, then we will charge 20% - 50% of the map cost to cover the extra damage sustained.
Lightravels®, LLC recommends that the customer tracks the package to know what day the delivery is scheduled. Lightravels®, LLC is not responsible for packages that are lost after FedEx has delivered them. If a package is shown as delivered but is missing, Lightravels recommends the customer checks with family members and neighbors to determine if someone else has the package. If the customer lives in an apartment, they should also check with their office as the package may have been left there depending on the complex. If the package shows delivered but is unable to be located by the customer after delivery, then it is the customer's responsibility to work with FedEx on filing a claim. Please note that FedEx insures lost items for the amount of the order, not to exceed $100.00.